
Privacy Policy

Objects eclectic is dedicated to the privacy and security of all of its customers. Details about how we manage these aspects are described below:

We are committed to preserving and respecting your privacy and complying with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Spam Act 2003.

Non-Disclosure of personal information

Personal information that we collect about you will not be willingly disclosed to any third parties without your prior consent. Similarly, we will not sell any information we collect about you. All transactions and communications through this website will be conducted to the best of our ability with confidentiality and discretion.

We do not collect any sensitive information about you. After the appropriate transfer of funds has taken place, all information given to us by the client is deleted.

Collection of non-identifying information

We may collect information about the way you browse our website. This information cannot be used to identify you or any other individual visitor to our website. The information is used to collect and analyse statistics about browsing behaviour for development purposes. For example, we may use such information to make improvements to our website. For all visitors concerned, this site operates with the use of “cookies”. Our cookies do not do anything malicious or “spy” on your computer, as is the common belief. In our case, they simply help us keep track of all the items in your shopping cart along with totals, postal charges etc.


We take all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information that we hold. This includes appropriate measures to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in hard copy.

Unfortunately, the Internet is not a secure environment and there is a distinct limit to which we can secure communications. If you use the Internet to send us information, including your email address, it is sent at your own risk.

Email Subscriptions

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by contacting us or by unsubscribing to the updates as per the instructions provided in every email.

Postal Mail

If you supply us with your postal address on-line you will only receive the information for which you provided us your address.