
How to Buy

Any item you decide, whilst browsing our site, that you would like to purchase, the item can be added to your shopping cart by simply clicking on the “Add to Cart” button. This item will then be added to your “shopping cart” for further consideration at the end of your browsing, and if satisfied for completing a purchase. You can add as many items to your cart as you wish.

If you elect to delete any items from your cart, click on the “Remove” button next to the item, when on the Shopping Cart page.
When your list is complete, please make the appropriate selection on the page as to whether you are an Australian resident or not and press submit. This will just refresh the page with the more relevant shipping charges displayed on the screen.

Next, click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button at the bottom of the page. This will bring up a secure form into which you should enter the details required. All entries have to be made, except those marked “optional”. When this is done, press “Submit”. If all the details were properly entered, your order will go through, otherwise you will be notified of the problem.

Please note that errors will occur if your browser is set to reject “cookies”.